Women and Children’s Advocate

What we do

The Women and Children’s Advocate walks alongside the Woman whose partner, former partner or family member are engaged with one of the men’s Behaviour Change programs. Giving the women an opportunity to have a voice, if they choose to be in the man’s journey, to be held accountable for his choice to use violence and abuse.

In the Men’s Behaviour Change programs that Warrina delivers, the safety of women and children is always our highest property.

How this service helps

The Women and Children’s Advocate helps to:

  • offers a confidential service that respects, listens, believes your lived experience and choices.
  • is invitational and voluntary. This means we are always guided by women and children. It is a safe space to talk.
  • provides ongoing support and safety planning and enhancing current safety plans. Woman can have conversations about the effects of violence and abuse on theirs and their children’s lives.
  • provides referrals and advocacy so you can access other services

Who it’s for

The Women and Children’s Advocate can only be accessed once a man has started the intake process  in both Fixed Address Program and Men’s Behaviour Change program Safer Futures.

How to access
our service

The Women and Children’s Advocate can be accessed once a man has started the intake process of both Fixed Address and Men’s Behaviour Change Program (Safer Futures).

A Woman’s

I feel like I can finally get the support I need as my husband is now receiving his support’

As a result of her partner being engaged with Fixed Address, this client is now ready to engage in counselling for the first time in her life. She has extensive childhood trauma, the significant trauma with the loss of her first-born child and historical domestic and family violence. The client has acknowledged the benefit of both her and her husband seeking help, to not only better themselves as individuals but with their relationship as well as the hope to break the cycle and become together as one family, so their children can live a life free from violence and abuse and receive the support they deserve and desperately need.