Our Commitment
We want to give you the best quality service possible. If you have found our services helpful or have any ideas on how something can be done better, please let us know.
We also want to know if you are not happy or have concerns about any part of our service.
This guide can help you in making a comment or a complaint about our services.
Can I comment on anything?
Yes, you have the right to express your views about any part of any of our services.
A comment may be:
- a compliment
- an idea or suggestion
- a concern or fear
- a complaint
How do I make a comment?
You can send us an email or ring us to tell us about what you like about our service, or to make a suggestion about how something can be done better. See contact details at the bottom of this page.
If you wish to make a complaint, please follow the steps below.
How do I make a complaint?
You can send us an email or ring us to tell us about what you like about our service, or to make a suggestion about how something can be done better. See contact details at the bottom of this page.
If you wish to make a complaint, please follow the steps below.
If you have a complaint about a worker, first it is best to talk to the person concerned. If you do not feel comfortable about this, you can speak or write to the person’s supervisor.
If you have a complaint about the service or organisation in general, you can write to the CEO or Chairperson.
See at the bottom of this page for contact details.
What information should I include in my complaint?
- dates and times of events and what occurred;
- who or what may be responsible;
- details of any witnesses;
- details of any steps you have taken to resolve the problem;
- details of what you want to happen to fix the problem.
What happens after that?
Once we have received your complaint, the worker handling the matter will contact you to talk about what you want to do and the steps involved. The worker should:
- give you their contact details;
- restate your comments to ensure your complaint is understood;
- tell you about your rights;
- tell you the steps that will be taken to deal with your concerns, and how long each step will take..
How will you resolve my complaint?
- The worker handling your complaint will offer to arrange a mediation – a meeting between you, the person you are complaining about, and an independent person who will try to help you resolve your concerns.
- If you agree to a mediation, it should occur within seven days of your agreement.
Complaints and Dispute Resolution Committee
- If mediation is not appropriate, or is not successful at resolving your concerns, the worker handling your complaint will ask you to put the complaint in writing (if you have not already done so). The Board of Directors will then convene a Complaints and Dispute Resolution Committee to investigate and make a decision about the complaint.
- The Committee will attempt to resolve the matter and notify you of the result within four weeks of receiving your written complaint.
Can I have someone to help me?
Yes, you can have a friend or person you trust to help you in any of your dealings with us. This person can help you put your comments in writing, be with you when you put forward your comments or attend any meetings.
What if I need an interpreter?
We will assist you if you need an interpreter. There will be no cost to you for this service.
Contact Details:
- The CEO
Ph: 02 6651 1136
Email: - The Chairperson:Email:
P.O. Box 2027 Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450 - The NCCAS Co-ordinator: (WDVCAS, LCP)Ph: 02 6650 0302
Email: - The SHS Co-ordinator: (Refuge)Ph: 02 6652 4000
Who else can help me?
If you are not happy with the way we are handling your complaint, you may wish to contact someone else to help you.
Some services or resources that may be able to help:
- NSW Ombudsman (Community Services Commission), Level 24, 580 George Street, Sydney 2000, Ph: 1800 451 524,
- NSW Office of Fair Trading (Registry of Co-operatives and Associations), 154 Russell Street, Bathurst 2795, Ph: 13 32 20,
- Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW, Level 4, 175-183 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 2000, Ph: 1800 670 812,
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001, Ph: 02 92849600; 1300 369 711,
- Charter of Victims Rights, NSW Government, Department of Communities & Justice,