Women & Children’s Refuge


Referring Agency Details

Referrer's Name
Preferred Contact Method


Has the client given consent for this referral?
Please note: Warrina is a voluntary service, no referrals will be processed without client consent.

Client Information

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Preferred Contact Method
Current Address / Location
Does the client receive an income?

Children's Information

Please list details of all children
Child Details
Childs Name
Date of Birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Client Background

Country of Birth
Does this client idenify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
Does the client require an interpreter?

Relationship and Safety

Relationship Status
Has the client experienced recent or current domestic and family violence?
How does the client rate their current safety?
Is there police involvement?
Is there an active ADVO protecting the client and/or their children?

Details of Person(s) Using Violence:

Persons using violence against you
Name of person using violence against you
Date of Birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Current Address

Existing Services and Supports

Other Services Involved
Are their other services helping you out at the moment? Can we talk to them about your situation?
Consent to discuss
Please list the names of other services, case workers and their contact details if it is ok to speak with them.

Reason for Referral

Please select one or more from the options below:

Risk and Additional Information

Is the client currently using substances to manage their situation?
Would the client like assistance to manage or change their substance use?
Has the client been diagnosed (or self-identified) with any mental health conditions?
Is there a current ADVO where this client is named as the defendant?
Has this client been charged with violence related offences?

Urgency of Support

How urgently does the client need support
For immediate safety concerns, please advise the client to contact police on 000. They can also call 1800 RESPECT for counselling or Link2home on 1800 152 152 for emergency accommodation.

Additional Information

Please call us directly on 6652 4000 if you need to discuss this referral.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.